sausage and spinach stuffed sweet potato with goat cheese - Food Challenge

sausage and spinach stuffed sweet potato with goat cheese

sausage and spinach stuffed sweet potato with goat cheese

A quick 5-ingredient stuffed sweet potato you can eat anytime of day and anywhere. This is the easy way to eat healthy.

One of my quickest tips for any meal including breakfast, lunch, dinner and even your snacks {if you eat them} is simply this; just stuff a sweet potato. This 5-ingredient stuffed sweet potato recipe is a simple solution to any meal.
Not to mention it’s full of hormone boosting nutrients and provides a big satisfaction factor.
A simple sweet potato can do a lot for your health including help balance out your hormones. But I know, I know, the arguments are still there. Isn’t a sweet potato high in carbohydrates?
Don’t worry, we’ll uncover all of that and in the end give you this quick meal idea your life needs.

the carb myth

Carbohydrate conversations could fall into the same awkwardness that political discussions cause. There is so much hype, debate and emotion around the word carbohydrates, so may today we end some of that and help you rest with new thoughts.
Ones that won’t leave you bulging the buttons on your jeans or salivating over a bread crumb because you’re desperate for carbohydrates.
Let’s just be realistic about this issue.
The carb myth is simply this; carbohydrates are not THE enemy.
Yes, they definitely can be a villain in the story on both accounts; too much and too little. But just the idea of eliminating an entire food group {outside of medical necessity} is setting yourself up for long-term doom.
To clarify, I do believe that low-carb or ketogenic diets work extremely well and have helped so many people overcome disease. However, I also believe there is a specific time and place for this to happen. On the other hand, I most certainly don’t think it is for everyone and definitely not a lifestyle that can be maintained forever.
In fact, parts of our body rely on glucose sources for energy production and maintenance. Our brain, red blood cells and hormones are those three components that rely heavily on this macronutrient.

how much is too much

Whether you believe you shouldn’t eat carbs, are pro carbs, or indifferent here’s the deal; there isn’t one recommendation that is going to work for everyone. In fact, it would be impossible to put and exact gram count on carbohydrates for any one person. It is a completely individualized thing that can change daily, or change with your cycle.
So how much is too much? Only your body knows. This means self awareness, listening, and monitoring will help you understand your carbohydrate threshold {the amount of carbohydrates your body can handle without negative impact}.
I know so many people hate that answer but it is so true. Your body knows best and it will make it abundantly clear what needs to change.

what about the sugar spike?

When dealing with hormones there are multiple factors that determine our hormonal flow. These include;

Having the concern that excess carbohydrates, including starchy ones like this sweet potato, can cause problems is completely valid. An unstable blood sugar is a huge culprit in hormonal health and health in general. This swing could be the very thing leading to excess inflammation and disease in the body. Definitely not something to take lightly.
However, there are simple solutions to stabilize blood sugar while still consuming healthy and natural carbohydrates. It’s not about skipping them or depriving yourself of carbohydrates. Rather it is simple lifestyle changes to help you maintain an even blood sugar while feeling more satisfied in the end. Here are a few tips for doing that.

never eat a carb alone

The first tip to maintaining a healthy blood sugar flow is never eating a carbohydrate alone. This is a quick and simple tip that will prevent the endless munching {because carbs aren’t very filling in themselves} and also provide more nutrition value and ultimately satiety.
Instead of just eating a sweet potato for a meal, popping a few crackers for a snack, consuming only a fruit based smoothie add a protein and fat to that. This not only stabilizes blood sugar but it also provides more nutritional value and more satiety. A triple win in my book.
So if you find yourself reaching for an apple, also grab a handful of nuts. Or instead of eating a plain vegetable salad, add a good source of protein through beans or meat, some crunchy seeds and a healthy creamy dressing.
It’s the little changes, like adding things to your diet that can make the biggest difference.

eat more later

Another option for blood sugar management is to add carbs to your meals throughout the day instead of starting your day with it. Unfortunately, this is backwards to how we typically live. With breakfast items being 90% carbohydrates, we’ve been led to believe that breakfast should be the next best thing to dessert.
But take note, our body doesn’t need carbohydrates first thing in the morning. This can be detrimental to your hormonal flow and throw it out of the fat-burning state and into a quick sugar burning rollercoaster ride. A ride you’ll most likely be on all day long.
So instead of reaching for a quick carbohydrate in the morning, opt for mostly protein and fats and add carbohydrates as the day goes on. If you do choose to eat a carbohydrate for breakfast, just make sure it isn’t alone, like in the case of this stuffed sweet potato recipe.
This simple solution of cycling carbs to later in the day helps regulate your circadian rhythm which sets everything else into motion.

the hormonal difference

Ultimately we know that regulating our hormones means everything else works just a little bit better. Because our hormones run our body and are the key communicators in every transaction that occurs. Recipes like this, loaded with nutrient dense foods, hearty carbohydrates and are simple, can make all of the difference.
Because when we put the right nutrients in and just tweak our lifestyle it seems like our whole world can be revolutionized. It’s the simple, small things that have the greatest impact. Don’t over think it, overwork it or try to out smart it. Your body will win every time.
A quick 5-ingredient stuffed sweet potato you can eat anytime of day and anywhere. This is the easy way to eat healthy.

the reset

If you’re struggling with an inability to lose weight, have a fear of food, lack energy, have a low libido and/or no drive to do anything, I would encourage you to check out the five-day hormonal reset. It’s a simple solution to quickly jumpstart your body and transform your life. The guides walk you through the intricate details of your hormonal flow in a simple and realistic way with a delicious plan to follow.
It could be just what you need to change your health and live a more simple life.
Click here to learn more information about the five-day hormonal reset.

stuffing your potato

Knowing the hormonal impact of how we eat carbohydrates can change the game. It can also make recipes like this so much more enticing. It’s the simple and realistic things that can be sustained for life we are working for. This stuffed sweet potato recipe is just the trick.
I can promise you, just knowing you have baked sweet potatoes prepped and cooked allows you to create the quick, easy and yet comforting meals for breakfast, to pack for lunch or have as a quick weeknight dinner. The options are endless when it comes to a stuffed sweet potato. Two of my other favorites include: the turkey caesar stuffed sweet potatoes and the stuffed sweet potatoes with short ribs and cabbage.
This 5-ingredient sausage and spinach stuffed sweet potato recipe can be topped with a soft-boiled egg, fried egg or just eaten plain if you’re looking to spice up your day. Keep it simple, easy and convenient and watch as you achieve health, eat more vegetables and actually enjoy this thing we call health.
5 Ingredient Sausage & Spinach Stuffed Sweet Potato

Serves: 4-6
  • 3 sweet potatoes, baked
  • 1 lb Italian sausage
  • 6 cups spinach, chopped
  • 1 {15-ounce} can white beans
  • whipped goat cheese {honey, broth}
  • Fresh basil {optional}
  1. Bake sweet potatoes at 375 degrees for 40-60 minutes or until fork tender all the way through.
  2. Remove and let cool.
  3. Cook Italian sausage over medium head, drain and add spinach and white beans.
  4. Continue cooking over low-medium heat until spinach is wilted.
  5. Cut sweet potatoes in half, mash insides with a fork and stuff with sausage spinach mixture.
  6. Top with whipped goat cheese and chopped fresh basil.
  7. Enjoy!
  8. ***To make whipped goat cheese: beat goat cheese with a hand mixture and add broth and honey as desired until you reach desired consistency. You can just use water as well.

sausage and spinach stuffed sweet potato with goat cheese sausage and spinach stuffed sweet potato with goat cheese Reviewed by aminatie on mars 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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